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About Amyanne

as found in Etched:

Curiosity stirred with wandering tendencies make Amyanne Rigby ‘one of those people’. You know that type who just can’t pass by an old cemetery or rustic, time-worn building without stopping to explore? That’s her.


Amyanne blames her ‘distracted by old relics’ on her early memories with her grandfathers; one was a farmer and the other a landscape artist. Together their influence had a profound effect upon her as a writer and lover of life.


A native desert dweller, Amyanne enjoys exploring the red dirt and crimson cliffs with her husband, Travis, and their five children. As a blogger, she describes those adventures as well as her love for Veyo Pies and the mouth- watering cookies from Jacob’s Lake (near the Grand Canyon) on her blog.


Amyanne is a 1996 Summa Cum Laude graduate of Southern Utah University where she majored in English and minored in Psychology and French. Her work as a contributing writer for Etched gives her a pass to hit the road to seek and find. When she’s not writing, her favorite pastimes include reading, running, and hanging with her Rigby(s). 

Thanks! Can't wait to read your message. -Amyanne

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